Archive for June 2012

Steeltrooper and Fury at Birmingham 02 Academy   Leave a comment

Some gigs are just too good for words and this was one.  Pure metal class may well cover it, but I suspect that even those words don’t do justice to the supreme professional confidence with which both Steeltrooper and Fury performed last night.  This gig displayed both bands at their very best.

It’s always the ultimate dream of a metal supporter to watch their favourite bands come into their own and shine on stage.  Well, that dream comes true for me every time I see Steeltrooper and Fury but last night, they didn’t just shine, they simply sparkled.  The ease with which every member of each band handled themselves on stage, the way in which each set flowed and the sheer exuberance with which every single song was delivered showed real growth of confidence and total professionalism.  Both these bands are hitting the heights of metal greatness.

Amongst the extremely rare skills sometimes discovered within metal bands is that of consistently creating songs with immediate catchiness, easy to love and impossible to forget from first listen.  To their credit, Steeltrooper and Fury both possess this ability, which was amply demonstrated within the new tracks played last night.  For Steeltrooper, ‘Eyes of Destruction’ and ‘Reaper Ride’ convey this brilliantly and for Fury, it’s shown just as well within ‘Warriors Prayer’.  Each new track by these two bands makes me ache for the next CD.

Natural entertainers, warm, down-to-earth and always giving 100%, Steeltrooper and Fury make every gig worth the time, the energy and the inevitable ‘metal neck’.  (Plus the chipped glasses, on this occasion)!  In a word, awesome).  Keep up with all the band updates on and .

Posted June 17, 2012 by jennytate in Uncategorized