Attic Theory – ‘What We Fear The Most’

Introducing ‘What We Fear The Most’, debut album, from Liverpudlian groove rockers, Attic Theory.

Out now, on Thundergun Records, it’s 11 tracks of gut-punching, infectious rock, bravely themed, around current society.

Featuring Kevin Martin (Candlebox), ‘Papier-Mache’ won Planet Rock Radio’s Track Of The Week, in addition to reaching the top of the Shazam charts, in China, Canada and America and hitting no. 42, on the iTunes alternative chart, in France.

The album explores the full reality of life and its attendant highs and lows, illustrating the band’s journey. In particular, the individual medical and eventual recovery of front man, Lewis Wright; all collectively, inspiring the album title, symbolising the hope and communal spirit of music.

Thundergun Records is AT’s own label and ‘WWFTM’ is distributed by Nova Music Distribution UK Ltd. It’s available in physical and digital formats, on all main platforms, including AT’s store.

‘WWFTM’ follows well acclaimed EP, ‘The Sign Of An Active Mind’. Apart from receiving global coverage, including in Powerplay Magazine, Metal Hammer Germany and Rock Tribune (Belgium), ‘TSOAAM’ won NWOCR group fan favourite EP of the year. The band were also nominated band of the year, by Radio Wigwam and Orpheus Global Independent Music Awards.

‘Saints Amongst Us’ is the official track for TNT Wrestling event, ‘Thrill Kill’. AT have also received much airplay, including on Planet Rock, Kerrang and Total Rock.

Having performed alongside prestigious bands, Terrorvision, Tony Wright, Black Spiders and Candlebox, AT have played numerous festivals, including Planet Rockstock, Wildfire Fest, Sav Fest and Firevolt and were also shortlisted, for Stonedead Festival.

Violent Delight – Banging intro, with a whole load of riffage. An emotional edge to the vocals. The groove’s definitely there. Certainly melodic enough. Could maybe just do with a bit more oomph. Plenty of energy, though. Liking the grit. Smooth, colourful riff close.

Tattooed Heart – Quirky fluid riff intro, with lots of bounce. Vocals just slightly harder, now. A lot of potential here. Just not quite making as much impact as it could. Needs an injection of added drive. This might benefit from a little more detail, but it’s a good, strong end.

Papier-Mâché – (Featuring Kevin Martin) – Careful, contemplative opening, before expanding, into a heavier groove. Good accessible structure. Easy listen, with a slightly more confident chorus sound. It’s the drums that hold it together, in the last section.

Tapestry – Neatly synced intro groove. This has got lyrical intrigue and a well-built melody. It’s the vocal grit that makes the most impact, here. Until that stunning riff hits, at around 2:56, forming a solid, energetic bridge, expanding, further, into the next section. The gravel intensifies, adding that vital spark. Great, explosive outro.

Narrow Lines – Into a powerful intro. Once more, that grit and emotional vocal combo appears. Mid-paced rhythms keep it going. Stronger section, after the 3 min mark. It rolls well, with some decent call and response. Careful riff fade-out.

Million Little Things – Into a much softer, more sombre tone, now. An intimate chorus, with some brief stop-start stuff. Quite an emotional sound to this track, conveying that sense well. That atmosphere builds well, especially at the 3:24 mark, with that extra vocal grit and heavier accompaniments. That’s the point at which you feel them feeling it. Gorgeous gentle ending).

Dare To Dream – Gathered alt rock intro. Very 90’s Green Day-esque! That is until the emotion hits. Building up the riffs, 1:04 in. That’s where it suddenly soars and those vocals get a fair outing. Great efforts, when the choruses hit. The energy’s strongest, there. Percussion section holding everything together, with those supporting drum rolls. Smooth fade-out.

Sweet Parasite – Most explosive intro yet)! Now, it hits its stride. Here, the gentler sections are enhanced, by that stronger instrumental impact. This is the one with the strongest groove, yet. The structure of this track creates echoes of equal parts 90’s rock and 80’s sonic pop. Liking the slide guitar. Drum rolls really hitting their stride, now. Full melodic cohesion). Getting catchier, with every beat). Stand-out track.

Your Light (Album Version) – Unexpectedly quiescent lead-in. Beautifully done. You feel this, immediately. At 1:09, it suddenly explodes, into life, with a shower of metallic expression. Segueing between softer and harder segments, so fluidly and so sincerely. That vocal bridge just screams with passion and authenticity; riffs screaming, after it. Here, the drums really come into their own and it all unites, with so much feeling and conviction. Absolutely beautiful closing riff. 

A Brand New Burden – Right into a gathering rocky riff). Great tension build. Into a catchy rhythm and groove. Vocals intuitively softening and hardening, at just the right points. The grit really comes out, in those choruses. Liking that melody, a lot). Gorgeous screaming riffage, just where you want it). An explosion of colour and whammy, just before the bridge. Now, that vocal gravel hits hard! Just a light burst of vivid, multi-coloured riffage, right till the end. This is what you call a bodice-ripper)!

The Legacy – Entering gradually, with a softer climb-down. Still just as affecting, in its own way. Beautifully fluid riffage. A more contemplative number, with a memorable underlying rhythmic groove. The chorus works. That feeling’s clear. Here, a female vocal joins. This has got that impacting sense about it and it sings from every note. Catchy chorus, sealing the deal. It’s sound just pulls you in. Effective fade-out.

Overall – ‘WWFTM’ may have got off to a bit of a shaky start, but it was well worth persevering, as it hits its stride, from track 4 onwards and from there, it just gets better and better). AT are a band with a lot of passion, drive and conviction, marrying up with their musical skill and dexterity. ‘WWFTM’ highlights the truth behind their groove, gaining ground, with every track. The melodies work and the central essence of hard-rock spirit and versatility screams from it. Give this a spin and then spin it some more).

8/10 ********

For fans of Disturbed, Kyrbgrinder, Blackwater Fever, Stiltskin, Duff McKagan’s Loaded, Nickelback, John Farnham, Halestorm, Skunk Anansie, One For Sorrow.



Posted May 17, 2024 by jennytate in Uncategorized